issue BLT
At the beginning of the issue BLT akan bergulirnya policy by the government has been going on the pro and contra policy. Both the NGOs and by the students and the community. Khsusnya contra against students who reasoned that the policy that BLT is not to educate khsusnya mental psychology community who receive BLT because Indonesians make a mental bermental beggar. But the government itself berujar BLT can increase the purchasing power of the poor directly from providing subsidies on the price, such as fuel price subsidies.
Even for the muted protests from the student government is also memprogramkan BLT into a university scholarship renamed BKM (Help Special Students), students menggangap that bribery was still a student, but the government membantahnya.
After some time a pro-contra on the BLT is not heard again until the campaign polemic about BLT appear again, especially polemic between candidates for president. Cash assistance as a policy the government of SBY-Jk to increased purchasing power of the poor many times keritikan get spicy.
Keritikan be the most dating from the citadel of Megawati. Mega said she was very sad to see people treated like that. According to him the BLT are humane and less exploitative, the poor have to jostle to get their money 200rb. Bahakan according to most of the mega-thrust adfalah the elderly. Mega funds should go 23 trillion was used untk infrastructure development projects that can create employment.
Crackling also submitted by the presidential candidates, Prabowo Subianto. According to him will only make a BLT masyaraka this bermental spoiled. But the criticism is SBY SBY emphasized that the BLT is just one of the achievements reached by the government.
Apart from who is wrong and who is correct, the government policy on the BLT is not the first in the world. However, many countries that provide aid directly to the people, whether poor countries, developed, advanced, even though the already rich. BLT's arguments on umunya is the direct subsidy (BLT) tend to be more effective rather than the product price subsidies, such as fuel price subsidies.
Form of BLT berpariasi itself from other countries have a regular form of social benefits (social security) and the BLT are nonregul as provided in Indonesia. The method is different from each State depending on the conditions of each country.
BLT are generally referred to cash or cash transfers that benefit both the regular-shaped or nonreguler. Usually emakin advanced countries and the greater the income the state is able to provide a state allowance to the regular people. Meanwhile, poor countries or the developing countries typically provide only nonreguler and allowance is also given on the difficult-difficult course. BLT Negarayang cukses do like Mexico and Mozambique.
Sometimes it also provides advanced countries that subsidize nonreguler, and is usually given at the time difficult. Such as the Australian PM Kevin Rudd dam the global impact of the crisis contribute to the BLT for the poor people's Christmas a year ago called Chirstmas Cash.
Means of BLT in Indonesia is not the only country who perform these methods. So I reviewed in terms of policy, political argument that BLT does not educate and provide metal is worth a beggar. However there are some that refused opsisi BLT BLT because it can not spoil or damage the public's mental, but they do not give the BLT terhada significantly impact the economy.
However, data from the BLT in Australia to provide a positive impact big enough, at least, greater than expected. This means that the argument does not BLT meberikan direct economic impact is not entirely correct.
Mirisnya create a division of BLT in this way pembagiannya is exploitative and that seemed to baffle people small. Fat BLT weaknesses of the division in Indonesia, among others, is the number of poor people who are not listed as a recipient of BLT, BLT distribution of cards that are not evenly distributed and also lack of coordination with the PT government in the post conflict areas and due to social programs. Even heard of a unilateral amputation of the money received BLT.
In fact for the future government can mamfaatkan services national bank to help distribute the funds so the BLT pebagian become more organized and not exploitative impressive.