12.5 million people with asthma
World Health Organization (WHO) notes, there are currently 300 million people with asthma in the world. Indonesia itself has 12.5 million people with asthma. Sebanyal 95 percent among people with asthma is not controlled.
This data is delivered by Prof. dr Faisal Yunus, PhD, SPP (K), FCCP, Chairman of the General Council of Asthma Indonesia (DAI), when pres Goodbye World Asthma Day 2009 in the Friendship Hospital, Jakarta on Monday (4 / 5). "Day Asmanya own new tomorrow. We are concerned with the data as asthma, in addition to causing death, can also reduce productivity penderitanya," Faisal said at an event themed "You Can Control Your Asthma, Bertindaklah Now."
Furthermore, he said, simply, people with asthma can be controlled not disrupt activity penderitnya, can even cause death. As for controlled asthma have at least 5 characteristics. Feature is without any symptoms such as asthma in the day or night, is not hampered in carrying out the activity, have a normal function of tuberculosis, do not use salve, and no longer went to the asthma-related emergency that dideritanya.
On mortality due to asthma, the things that can not be considered frivolous. "In the world, the disease including asthma 5 major causes of death. Most are in many countries such as the Anglo-Saxon England, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, asthma caused the death of the sixth rank," said Faisal
Therefore, using the moment the World Asthma Day, DAI expect the more cautious people to this disease. "We hope that there is awareness that asthma can be controlled so that the mortality rate can be pressed and the patient can perform the normal activities," Faisal please.